Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Interpretation of Dreams

Scientists say the higher your IQ, the more you dream. So, considering the fact that my IQ is 137 which is pretty higher than Einstein's, I am bound to dream more.

Dreams have always been more than a fantasy world for me. I view them as an astral projections to another dimension where everything is purely driven by our thoughts to accomplish our aspirations that seem impossible in the real world. There is also a spiritual angle to the dream world and it is acknowledged as a higher level to human existence that we experience on earth. More on the spiritual theory on dreams in some later post.

So the million dollar question - do you really consider dreams as dreams ?

How do you know you are not dreaming right now? What is it that convinces you that what you are experiencing now is “real”? Is it that others agree with you? What if they, like in your sleeping dreams, are dream characters in another dream? How can you trust what you are experiencing? In your sleeping dreams, don’t the characters act and sound like they are real? Don’t they work to convince you that they are real? You could be dreaming at this instant! In the next instant you could awaken on a couch or bed and say, “Wow, what a vivid, realistic dream I just had!” Consider for a moment that those who you trusted to teach you about this dimension (like your parents) might be dream characters, too; that like your sleeping dreams, you create all the characters, situations, and backgrounds (like houses, yards, fields, forests, etc.). If this dimension were a dream, then who is responsible for and creating every bit of it? If you are dreaming, you are the creator of it all.

If you like my way of thinking read on, for this blog is specially created for all you folks out there. My topic of dreams usually vary a lot. My dreams are a consequence of my mental states. Sometimes, I am a teenager enjoying in a beach with beauties doing things which are unmentionable in a country like India and unthinkable in a place like the temple city of India. Sometimes, I am frantically falling from a skyscraper, running endlessly as the protagonist in the movie Apocalypto, or sometimes racing on the highway on a superbike with front wheel automatically popping up at higher revs leading to a wheelie. Rest of the times, I am just in some twisted story. Many of these bittersweet twisted sci-fi out of the world stories are going to follow in the posts to follow. Happy reading :)